Erotic Shadow Play May Sound Scary, but What’s the Alternative?

Erotic Shadow Play is scary, and here’s the reason…

When we look at the shadow aspects of ourselves, we are looking at unintegrated parts of ourselves.

These are parts that don’t want to be seen.

They are hiding in the shadows because they want to keep us safe.

Safe from growth.

Safe from change.

Safe from becoming a different version of ourselves that we are scared to be.

These parts are controlling the show from the subconscious.

They are telling us, “Don’t change, you won’t like it.”

So we manifest the same things in our lives.

Things we are frustrated about.

Situations that seem different, but they are actually the same thing showing up in a different wrapper.

But this is just life telling us that there is a lesson that we need to learn.

This is our subconscious knocking at the door and saying, “I know you’re scared to change, but there is something beyond what you know now.”

That’s the cosmic joke of it all.

Once you go through that portal, you realize that it’s all just a big cosmic joke.

The thing you were so scared of becomes your greatest ally.

The parts you were unconsciously denying become the fuel for stepping into your power in a greater way.

Erotic Shadow Play is like “parts work” on steroids.

We use the erotic because it touches into our deepest hopes and fears.

We want to feel aliveness, and the erotic is a gateway to this.

How much have you been denying yourself?

Trying to be the “good partner,” “dutiful parent,” “loving friend”?

But there is more aliveness you’re wanting in your life.

You know it’s there, but you don’t know how to access it.

The erotic can be a guide to get you there.

Having an erotic or sexual experience is not going to fulfill you in and of itself.

But it’s a doorway to show you the access point to what you really want.

Once you realize this, it’s a game changer.

All the power, all the aliveness, all the “more of you” that you were looking for is hiding in your shadow.

We use the map of your erotic desires to lead you into the shadow, and this will be the path to get you what you want.

More life is waiting for you on the other side.

Let me be your guide.

Let’s meet in the dark and play!


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