Not Finding Your Partner?

Relax and release everything you know.

You have come to the right place.

You know you’re a catch—or at least your friends and family think you are. 

But then why don’t the people you’re attracted to seem to get that? 

It seems like you just keep winding up with the wrong types of people.

You’re either in and out of relationship or chronically single. 

You just can’t seem to find the right person. 

At this stage, you’re feeling your age, and you’re wondering if you’re ever going to find the right person. 

The thing is, you know that you’re a good person with a lot to offer. 

You keep having these crash and burn relationships where you learn a lot, but it just doesn’t last. 

And if you’re honest with yourself, you’re starting to wonder whether these relationships are helping you or hurting you. 

And now you’re wise enough to realize that you’re the common denominator in all of these relationships. 

When they all end up the same way, you know there’s got to be something that you’re doing to cause it. 

But why would you do that to yourself when your conscious mind thinks, “This is exactly what I don’t want?”

This is an exciting turn along your path—could there be some subconscious part of you that likes it this way?

So maybe your conscious mind HATES the pattern, but your subconscious mind LOVES it! 

So how do you move beyond this stage? It seems like you’ve tried everything—the coaching, medicine journeys and conscious workshops. 

It’s time to take a different approach—time to look at your shadow. 

Your shadow is the part of you that loves it exactly the way it is—it’s the part that’s creating it this way for you. 

So what you need to do is get in more rapport with your shadow. 

I’m a guide that can take you towards your shadow, and help you see the parts of you that are controlling your experience from the background. 

When you start to touch your shadow, you realize that you are the creator of your entire life—even the ‘bad’ parts. 

When you begin to integrate the shadow—this gives you more choice—and more choice creates more opportunity. 

Isn’t it time to allow yourself to have what you really want in a romantic partner? 

To do this, you need to dig deeper, and get in touch with the part of you that’s creating from the shadows. 

Are you ready?




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